ECF17 FME BUT esis astm IPM Brno08
17th European Conference on Fracture
Multilevel Approach to Fracture of Materials, Components and Structures

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Conference program
Conference fee
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Registration page
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The conference fee covers lunches, the welcome reception (Monday evening), the meeting in the city hall (Tuesday evening) and the conference banquet (Thursday evening), an admission to all conference sessions and exhibitions, refreshments during the coffee breaks, the conference bag including a relevant material, the volume of abstracts and the CD of full papers.
The fee for accompanying persons covers lunches, the welcome reception (Monday evening), the meeting in the city hall (Tuesday evening) and the conference banquet (Thursday evening).
Please note that it is not possible to restore already paid participation fees.

Czech subjects should pay the following fixed amounts when performing domestic payments. The standard payments should be performed in EUR - read the price-list in EUR here.

FEEbefore May 1after April 30on site
The postgraduate students. The study statement (confirmed by the respective educational institute) is to be handed over at the registration desk 10000 Kč 12700 Kč 14100 Kč
Invited lecturers 0 Kč 0 Kč 0 Kč
All other regular participants 12700 Kč 15350 Kč 16700 Kč
Accompanying persons 4000 Kč 4200 Kč 4200 Kč

Payments can be made by bank (wire) transfer, on-line by the payment card (VISA or Master) or cash during on-site registration. Payment details can be found on the registration page of individual participants.

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