ECF17 FME BUT esis astm IPM Brno08
17th European Conference on Fracture
Multilevel Approach to Fracture of Materials, Components and Structures

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The European Structural Integrity Society (ESIS) will support a participation of selected young scientists and/or PhD students from developing countries (based on a recommendation of their local ESIS chapters).


  1. This support is intended for young participants from the following European countries: Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine.
  2. The age of the particitant should be less than 30 years
  3. The applicant must personaly present a contribution (oral or poster) at the ECF17 which is already accepted.
  4. The applicant must obtain a recommendation from the chairman of the relevant national ESIS chapter (see the list on the ESIS web page).
  5. The chairman of the national ESIS chapter recommends the amount of the support (in the range of 100 € - 300 €)
  6. The completed Application Form (in a paper form, including signatures) sholud be delivered to the ECF17 secretariat by February 29, 2008, at latest.
  7. The applicant will not pay the conference fee.

The ESIS executive commiittee will review all requests and will announce all applicants about its decision.

Please use the Application Form

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