ECF17 FME BUT esis astm IPM Brno08
17th European Conference on Fracture
Multilevel Approach to Fracture of Materials, Components and Structures

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ECF16: Failure Analysis of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures, Alexandroupolis, Greece, Jul 3-7, 2006

ECF15: Advanced Fracture Mechanics for Life and Safety Assessments, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 11-13, 2004

ECF14: Fracture Mechanics Beyond 2000, Krakow, Poland, Sep 8-13, 2002

ECF13: Fracture Mechanics: Applications and Challenges, San Sebastian, Spain, Sep 6-9, 2000

ECF12: Fracture from Defects, Sheffield, United Kingdom, Sep 14-18, 1998

ECF11: Mechanisms and Mechanics of Damage and Failure of Engineering Materials and Structures, Poitiers, Futuroscope, France, Sep 3-6, 1996

ECF10: Structural Integrity: Experiments, Models and Applications, Berlin, Germany, Sep 20-23, 1994

ECF9: Reliability and Structural Integrity of Advanced Materials, Varna, Bulgaria, Sep 21-25, 1992

ECF8: Behaviour and Design of Materials and Structures, Turin, Italy, Oct 1-5, 1990

ECF7: Failure Analysis – Theory and Practice, Budapest, Hungary, Sep 19-23, 1988

ECF6: Fracture Control of Engineering Structures, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jun 15-20, 1986

ECF5: Life Assessment of Dynamically Loaded Materials and Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, Sep 17-21, 1984

ECF4: Fracture and the Role of Microstructure, Leoben, Austria, Sep 22-24, 1982

ECF3: Fracture and Fatigue, London, United Kingdom, Sep 8-10, 1980

ECF2: 2nd European Colloquium on Fracture, Darmstadt, Germany, Oct 9-11, 1978

ECF1: 1st European Colloquium on Fracture, Compiegne, France, 1976

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